
Want to help AWU succeed? Want to get free perks while doing it? Then you’ve come to the right place! We are looking for 15-30 volunteers who would be willing to help with a variety of positions when the convention begins. We are looking for at least a 6-hour time commitment, which can be all on one day, or spread out Friday-Saturday.


We are looking for help all day Friday and Saturday, and help possibly on Thursday and Sunday. The hotel will be doing most of the set-up and takedown, however we will need help setting up certain events like the Fursuit Games, and prepping the area for the dance competition. Please indicate what times and/or work best for you. We will do our best to schedule you and make sure that you still have time to party!

Thursday: evening

Friday: early morning, morning, afternoon, evening, late night

Saturday: early morning, morning, afternoon, evening, late night

Sunday: morning

Feel free to indicate specific time frames if you would prefer


You will report to the volunteer head for your scheduled time. We will be depending on you for the success of the convention, so dependability is key. Please please please, let us know as far in advance as possible if your availability changes- you can get in touch with the volunteer head or email anthroweekendutah@gmail.com.
When you’re supposed to be somewhere, be at that place, and don’t leave until you are released.

Dress Code: Wear whatever you would like as long as your volunteer ID (badge or shirt) is clearly visible. Security will not be able to wear fursuit heads as they restrict vision. In other roles we welcome feet, paws, tails, ears, and fursuits, as long as they don’t impede your ability to help!

Please be respectful and dependable. You are the face of the con, and crucial to its success. You should be kind and courteous to hotel staff and con attendees, and listen to the Volunteer leader and the Con Chairs. You must obey the convention rules as well.

That’s it! Thank you for volunteering, and welcome aboard!